Uganda's independence

After all the political activities in Uganda, a constitutional conference took place in London in September 1961. 

The conference recommended for a sixty one members be elected to legislative Assembly while twenty one members be nominated by the Lukiiko. (Buganda Parliament) and nine members be elected by the National Assembly.

Dr. Apollo Milton Obote was handed the instruments of power as the first executive Prime Minister of the Independent Uganda. The instruments included a copy of the National Anthem, National flag and Coat of Arms. At independence, the Union Jack was lowered while the Uganda National Flag was raised for the first time.

The Uganda Nationol Anthem which was composed by George William Kakoma was also sang for the first time.

Sir Edward Muteesa II was made the first non executive president of Uganda in 1963.

1. Organize an election in your class. Imagine that some children belong to different parties that exist today. Let your teacher help you to follow the correct procedures of elections. 

2. Dramatize the process of handing over instruments of power to the winner during the swearing in ceremony.

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