Types of vegetation in Uganda

Natural vegetation includes forests, swamps, shrubs and grasses. Planted vegetation includes; forests, grass, flowers and crops.

forest is a large area of trees growing close together. Forests Usually grow in places which receive a lot of rainfall throughout the year.

Identify two natural forests in Uganda?

What is the biggest natural forest in Uganda?
Trees found in natural forests are of different species. They provide hard wood timber. Examples of such trees include:- Ebony, mahogany, "mvule", Musizi and African walnut. Natural forests in Uganda are found in different regions. In the west there is Budongo, Bugoma, in Central there is Mabira, Ssese Island forests, - In the South there is Marabigambo, Bwindi impenetrable forest, Mg'ahinga, Maramagambo and Kashoha - kitoma. In the East there is Mountain Elgon, forest reserve.
Rain forests have various plants and animals species. These forests are dense and found mostly near the equator. Natural forests have tall and evergreen trees throughout the year.

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