Exercises and key words on the Road to Independence

Read the key words and their meaning 
Legislative council : a council that makes laws. 

Taxation: a system of imposing taxes. 

Segregation: division of one group from another (separation of people) 

A grievance: tell everyone about one's complaints. 

Compulsory labour: forced to do work. 

Protest: to object or disapprove. 

Policy: way of acting 

Favour: Kindness or support one person at the expense of others. 

Race: a group of human beings with similar.

Independence: freedom/not under anyone's control.
Struggle: Violent fight

Exercise 9 
1. Why did people pay taxes during the colonial period? 

2. Mention one way in which Africans were mistreated during the colonial days. 

3. State one way in which Africans protested against colonial rule. 

4. How did the Second World War II promote the struggle for independence in Uganda? 

5. Why were political parties formed in Uganda? 

6. Why is I.K Musaazi an important figure in Uganda's history? 

7. Which party won the first general elections in Uganda? 

8. Why was the LEGCO formed in 1921 in Uganda? 

9. Why was the Union Jack lowered on 9th October 1962? 

10. Why was Kabaka Yekka (KY) formed in 1961?

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