Keywords and exercise on Uganda as an Independent Nation

Hoisted: to lift up. 

Challenge: something that needs a lot of skill, energy and determination. 

Anthem: official music of a country 

Emblem: Design which acts as a characteristic of a country. 

Coat of arms: symbolic design on the shield of a country. 

Referendum: a vote by all people of a country to decide on a problem of national concern.

Presiding Officer: A person in charge of a polling station. 

Returning Officer: A person who organizes and supervises elections in a district.

Exercise 10
1 . How many stanzas have the National Anthem? 

2. What is the National Emblem of our country? 

3. Who designed the Uganda flag? 

4. Give two ways in which democracy is practiced in Uganda? 

5. What are the advantages of democracy? 

6. What are the disadvantages of democracy? 

7. What is a secret ballot? 

8. Which body organizes and supervises elections in Uganda? 

9. What does the word candidate mean? 

10. Why is civic education important? 

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