Exercise and Keywords

1 . In pairs discuss the difference between dowry and bride price.

2. Write down two social norms which people in society practice today.

3. Discuss the purpose of norms among the different communities today.
1. What are social norms? 

2. Identify any three social norms that belong to your tribal group. 

3. Suggest any two advantages and disadvantages of paying bride price today
IDevice Icon Key Words
Ethnic Group: a group of people from the same race, or people with a common way of life.

Immigration: the process in which people enter a country to settle their permanently

Migrant: Someone who moves from one place or country to settle in another

Scarcity: a situation were something is not enough for the people who need it.

Migration: The movement of people who leave a place or region to settle in another.

Cradle land: a place where something began.

Centralised: a group of people who control a country at the centre.

Totem : an animal, plant or bird respected by a clan. 

Custom : that is traditional /habit.

Norm : Standards of behaviour accepted in a society.

Barter : trade of one kind of good for another without using money.
IDevice Icon Exercise 6
1. What is an ethnic group? 
2. List any two ethnic groups in Uganda. 
3. Why did people migrate long ago? 
4. Why do people migrate today? 
5. What is the difference between migration an immigration? 
6. Give three reasons why Nilo-Hamites migrated from their     original homeland? 
7. How do the following factors affect settlement patterns. 
a) climate 
b) soils 
8. Why do you think most people settle along slopes of
9. What is barter trade? 
10. Give any two values of social norms

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