Bunyoro Kitara Empire

Bunyoro was founded by the Abatembuzi who were referred to semi-gods led by Ruhanga. Bunyoro - Kitara kingdom was the first kingdom in Uganda. It was also referred to as Bunyoro- Kitara Empire. It was a large territory which stretched from Western across central to Busoga. 

It covered areas of Victoria Nile, Masindi, Hoima,Toro, some parts of present Buganda and Busoga. Later it was conquered by Ndahura, leader of the Bachwezi. However, the empire was too large to be ruled by one King.

Therefore, it collapsed because of the attacks from Luo Babito led by Rukidi Isingoma Mpuga, constant outbreak of diseases which attacked their animals,and shortage of food. 

The kingdom broke into small states which later became independent kingdoms and chiefdoms, for example Toro became a kingdom and Busoga became a chiefdom as a result of the fall of the Bunyoro - Kitara empire.

Bunyoro Kingdom
When the Babito, a Luo dynastytook over the Bachwezi in the fifteenth century, the empire of Bunyoro - Kitara started gradually breaking into small states. The last King of the Bachwezi was Wamala. During his period it was hard for him to control such a large empire. 

The Kingdom of Bunyoro Kitara broke into separate small states. The Luo-Bito clan led by Rukidi Mpuga Isingoma became the rulers of Bunyoro kingdom.

Their method of rule was not different from that of the Bachwezi. They also had regalia such as the drum, the crown, royal palaces and special clothes for the King. They built a strong army of men in their Kingdom. They fought the neighbouring communities such as Taro and expanded their Kingdom.

However, when the British came, they helped Omukama Kasagama of Toro to regain his territory. Omukama Kabalega was the King of Bunyoro at that time. When the British attacked Bunyoro, it collapsed and Omukama Kabalega escaped. He was later captured in Lango in 1899 and sent to Seychelles Island in the Indian ocean. 

Omukama Kasagama was restored on his throne as the King of Toro.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting information. But why not add approximate dates for the different historical stages? Aren't some kingdoms which were part of the larger Kitara left out (ex. Nkore, Karagwe, Rwanda, etc.)?
