Natural resources

There are things in our environment which exist on their own or by nature that people can use to meet their needs. People use them to get all basic needs and wealth.

Types of natural resources in Uganda 
Examples of natural resources include the following:- land, water source, vegetation, minerals, climate, people, and animals.Natural resources are grouped into renewable and nonrenewable resources. Renewable resources are those that cannot be exhausted for good. They include:-Water, Sunshine and Wind.
Non - renewable resources get exhausted. They include minerals such as:-Sand, clay, oil, salt, copper and gold

Locating different natural resources in Uganda
Land is an important resource which supports the livelihood of human beings, animals and birds. All other natural resources are found on land. The land is covered with the plateau, highlands, rift valley and plains. The largest part in Uganda is covered by the plateau and that is where most people live.


There are places where we can find water in Uganda. Water sources in Uganda include, lakes, wells, swamps, rivers, springs and streams.
You have already learnt about vegetation in topic 4. The natural vegetation grows in an area on its own. You can revise topic 4 and find out how vegetation is useful.
What does the word vegetation mean?
There are domestic and wild animals that live in our enviroment. Domestic animals are kept in people's homes. Mention any four domestic animals In Uganda, wild animals live in water, bushes and some are kept at the Uganda Wild Life Education centre (UWEC) at Entebbe. Some areas like national game parks and game reserves have also been set up to protect the wild life.

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