Factors that influence vegetation distribution

We have various types of vegetation in Uganda which grow in different parts of the country. We shall look at the factors that explain why vegetation varies from one place to another. The reasons that bring the variations include:- rainfall, fertile soils, altitude, land forms and human activities.


Places that receive heavy rainfall throughout the year have ever green vegetation (rain forests), yet places which receive very little rainfall have scattered trees and tall grass. Places which are very hot and dry have vegetation which is adapted to dry conditions.


Temperature tends to decrease with increase in altitude. Highland and mountainous areas experience cool temperatures. Places found at different heights, have different types of vegetation. For example savanna vegetation dominates at about 1000m above sea level. Rain forests follow at 2000m, bamboo forests at 3000m and health and moorland is found at 4000m and beyond. On the top of the mountain there is ice and snow. Look at the diagram on page 21 again and study the types of vegetation found on the mountain.

Fertile soils.
Fertile soils support the growth of vegetation in an area. They are rich in nutrients that favour the growing of thick vegetation such as forests and crops while soils which are barren usually have less grass and scattered thorny trees.

Visit the land forms near your school and find out how they have influenced the vegetation in that area. Form groups and hold a discussion. Report your observation to the whole class.

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