Political organisations of ethnic groups

People of pre-colonial Uganda were organised following different political systems and organisation.
The word political refers to the power that exist between people in an organisation or society.
Organisation means a group of people who share or have similar interests.

Ethnic groups were rules through two political organisation. The centralised system of administration where the King was the supreme ruler like in Buganda, Bunyoro, Toro and Ankole.

The decentralised system of administration where the chiefs or clan heads gathered to administer leadership in their communities. These included groups like Nilo Hamites, Nilotics and Basoga from Bantu speaking group.


Centralised administration
The centralised system of administration was practiced in central, western and southern Uganda. It covered Buganda, Bunyoro, Toro, and Ankole. They had supreme leaders known as "Kings". They were the rulers of kingdoms.

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