
Crops are planted vegetation. Most -people in Uganda depend on crop farming. They grow crops mainly for food, as a source of income and fodder for animals. People grow both traditional and non traditional cash crops. Traditional cash crops include; coffee, cotton, tea, sugarcanes and tobacco.

Non - traditional crops include, maize, beans, rice, ground nuts, potatoes, bananas and cassava.

A flower is a part of a plant from which the seeds or fruits develop. People grow different types of flowers. They grow flowers in their compounds for beauty. Others grow flowers, to get income. Flowers are sold locally and to outside countries. The growing of flowers is called floriculture. Flowers are perishable goods. People use air transport to export them to outside countries. Many homes, schools, hotels beaches, towns and cities have beautiful, flower gardens.

1.       In small groups discuss why most people plant many trees today?
2.       List the crops commonly grown in your village.
3.       Explain why people harvest papyrus and reeds from swamps in your local area.
IDevice Icon Activity
1.       Name the different types of flowers grown around your home.
2.       In small groups, discuss the importance of flowers.

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