
Buganda was governed by a "King" known as "Kabaka". The Kabaka owned all the land in Buganda. The Kabaka appointed advisors and the most powerful one was the "Katikkiro" who was the prime minister, chief justice, and treasurer.

Others included Saza and Gombolola chiefs. Buganda started as a very small kingdom. It expanded later and reasons for its expansion were:
  • Their powerful Kings worked hard to ensure that their kingdom was very strong. 
  • Their leadership influenced the total support of their people. 
  • Early contacts with foreigners. Europeans and Indians who came to Uganda since the early days first met people of Buganda. That contact gave them an opportunity to acquire knowledge which helped them to expand their kingdoms. 
  • Plenty of food crops which were grown on its fertile land. Buganda generally has fertile soil which supports farming activities. 
  • A good system of centralised administration which helped leaders to organise their people well. 
  • A strong army. The kingdom had an organised army which used to defend and protect their area against external attacks.

Baganda settled near lakes Victoria and Kyoga. They were basically farmers who grew a lot of bananas. Their powerful kings worked hard to expand the kingdom and to consolidate its boundaries. By the time the British arrived in Buganda, it was still a very powerful kingdom and well organised. Later the British influence weakened Buganda after Uganda was declared a British Protectorate in 1894.

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