The Nilo Hamites

There are often referred to as plain Nilotes in Uganda. They are said to have originated from the highlands of Southern Ethiopia. They entered Uganda through the North Eastern part of Uganda. They were cattle keepers. They settled in Karamoja and Teso land in the districts of Kotido, Napak, Kaabong, Moroto, Kumi, Amuria and Soroti. They were nomadic pastoralists.


1. In groups discuss why people migrate today.

2. List any four local languages used to broadcast news on radio Uganda.

3. Draw a sketch map of Uganda and show the Migration
routes of ethnic groups.

Reasons for their migration.

(i) They were searching for water and pasture for their domestic animals.

(ii) There was scarcity of grazing land due to the nature of land where they lived.

(iii) Presence of inter-clan and inter-ethnic conflicts. Those internal conflicts
forced them to migrate.

(iv) There was an outbreak of cattle diseases which attacked their animals.

Results of the migration of Nilo - hamites

There was population increase in areas where they settled. New cultures were introduced due to intermarriages. Cultures of people differ and once they integrate with other peoples, they influence cultures of one another. They were purely pastoralists but became mixed farmers when they came into contact with the Bantu who were farmers.

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