The National Anthem

The National Anthem is an official song sung during public official functions. It was first sung on 9th October 1962 after Uganda had attained political and economical independence.

The Anthem was composed by Professor George William Kakoma assisted by Peter G. Wingard. The Anthem has special messages in it for all the citizens of Uganda. 

Occasions when the anthem is sung.

The national anthem is sung or played before and after official functions such as independence day celebration. The two stanzas are sung in the presence of president.

Three stanzas are played during the opening and closure of a day's transmission of the National television and radio.

When the head of state dies in office, all the three stanzas are also sung as a sign of mourning and honouring him. It was also declared when Uganda was celebrating 50th independence anniversary all the three stanzas be sang at all functions and gatherings.

The National Anthem
Oh Uganda! may God uphold thee,
We lay our future in thy hand.
United, free,
For liberty
Together we'll always stand.

Oh Uganda! the land of freedom.
Our love and labour we give,
And with neighbours all
At our country's call
In peace and friendship we'll live.

Oh Uganda! the land that feeds us
By sun and fertile soil grown.
For our own dear land,
We'll always stand
The Pearl of Africa's crown. 

1 . Write down any three symbols of your school?
2. When do you sing the school anthem at school?
3. Why do you sing the national anthem at school?
4. What is the message in your school anthem?

Importance of the National Anthem 
The National Anthem as a national symbol is important in the following ways. 

Expresses love for one's country. The desire to live together in peace and harmony with everyone.

Symbolises our national principles, hopes and goals so that citizens work hard to achieve them.

The National Anthem promotes unity among the citizens. Togethernes of the people of Uganda. It expresses a God fearing country.

Uganda has strong belief in God. They put God first in everything they do.

It expresses peace and friendship with neighbours. Living together in peace with neighbouring countries.

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