The Coat of Arms

The National Coat of Arms is a national symbol of identity. It has different features on it representing important the values and pride in our country.

Features of the Uganda Coat of Arms
This is the national emblem of Uganda. The crested Crane stands on one leg showing that Uganda is moving forward and has one government and Parliament.

The National Motto 
The Uganda Coat of Arms has the national motto at the bottom "For God and my country". This shows that Ugandans put God first in all things they do and to serve their country faithfully.

The Drum
This is one of the traditional instruments widely used in many communities of Uganda and it symbolises the rich traditional. values and cultural heritage. It is also a means of traditional communication.

The Uganda Kob represents wild life in Uganda.
This is one of the animals found in many game parks and reserves and it is one of the sources that brings a lot of foreign income for the country.

Coffee and Cotton.
These are the major cash crops of Uganda and they represent Uganda as an agricultural country.

The Blue stripes of water entering the shield at the top.
These stand for the lakes and rivers of Uganda. Uganda is blessed with large water bodies which support our livelihood.

The blue lines entering the shield at the bottom.
These symbolise the source of river Nile. The Nile has water falls on which dams have been built to generate hydro electricity.

Shield and spears.
These represent protection and defence. They also represent traditional weapons used by Ugandans.

The black colour.
This represents the black skinned people of Uganda.

The green colour at the bottom.This shows the rich vegetation cover of Uganda.

The crested crane is a symbol of Uganda and it is one of the most beautiful birds. Its used on many government official documents such as currency (money) andit is also found on National flags, Parliamentary buildings and security flags.

1. Draw the coat of arms and indicate all features.
2. Explain the importance of the National coat of arms.
3. Apart from cotton and coffee, name any other three cash crops in Uganda.

Significance of the Coat of arms

(i) It is printed on official documents such as passports and the constitution. It is also found on public buildings like the Parliament, Court and government offices.

(ii) To qualify government documents and agreements, it is used as a seal.

(iii) It is also printed on our national currency. This helps to identify the currency from that of other countries.

Significance of the National emblem
Since it symbolises peace and beauty, the emblem reminds us about the values it stands for.