How elections are conducted

An election is a process through which leaders are chosen. 
National elections are organised by the Electoral Commission.
The person in charge of activities of the electoral commission is called a chairman. There are different groups of people who participate in conducting elections in a country. These are called the election officials.

A candidate is a person standing for an election. People are sensitised before voting so as to avoid mistakes during voting.

Bad practices during elections 

Before voting 
i) Bribing of voters. Some people who stand to be elected give voters small gifts so that they can be voted in power. 

ii) Hostile talk between candidates. Some candidates use bad language towards others during elections. 

iii) Inadequate civic education. During elections, not all people in the country are taught about the election processes and civic rights. 

iv) Kidnapping of some candidates. Some candidates are denied the opportunity to reach all the electorate on time. 

v) Bribery of some candidates to pull out of the race. Some aspiring candidates give lots of money to their opponents to stand down.

During Voting 

i) Vote rigging (ballot paper stuffing). Some people access ballot paper and stuff them before elections. 

ii) People are intimidated. Some people are threatened and end up pulling out of the race.

iii) People are discouraged from voting people of their choices. 

iv) Beating up people because they belong to a opposing side. There is a lot of election violence which disrupts elections. 

v) Alterations of figures of the results by election 0 c.o s so that they can favour certain candidates.

After voting 

Declaring candidates who have not won after an election. People are beaten, shot at and others threatened.
This makes many people to avoid participating in elections. Some of the defeated candidates fail to accept defeat. T
hey usually take other candidates in courts of law which is very expensive.

Duties of the Electoral Commission
• Organizes and supervises general elections in a country. 

• Maintains the voter's register. They update and register voters before elections. 

• Displays voter's registers. They display registers in public places for people to prove if they are fully registered for an election.

• Prints ballot papers which are cast by the voters during the polling day. 

• Declares winners for all positions at all levels after an election. 

• Carries out civic education programmes. They teach people about the election process. 

• Demarcates constituencies. They divide up areas where candidates can stand to be elected.The elections are usually conducted by different election officials such as; 

Presiding officers: an officer in charge of a polling station. 
Returning Officer: an officer who organizes elections in a district. 

Polling assistant: a person who assists a presiding officer 
Police constable: during an election at a polling station a police officer in charge of ensuring law and order at a polling station. 

Polling day: is a day when people cast their votes. 
Polling station : is a place where people go to cast their votes.

Electoral Officials. These are officials selected and sensitised by the electoral commission. They are expected to; guide people during voting, announce results of the winners at the polling station and Supervise voting activities at polling stations. 

Electoral materials. These are materials that are used by people during the period of voting and include the following; 

Ballot papers : special papers designed for voting and are given to voters to cast. 

Ballot boxes : boxes where people cast their votes. 

Indelible ink : ink that is not easily washed off. 

Voters roll :list of registered voters.

Respect for democracy and elections. 
There is need for people to respect the rights of others during elections.

People should value the chance given to them to vote for their leaders.

They should always respect the choice of people. There is need to have free and fair elections on a regular basis.

All citizens are free to compete for public offices, provided they qualify. It is through the electoral process at a government is put in place.

We should respect the decisions of the majority and support our leaders.

Ugandans also have a right to remove those elected into power if they do no serve their interests well.


1 . Create a civic education club in your class and discuss rules that govern the voting process of prefects in your school? 
2. Make list of election materials required during the election of prefects in schools. 
3. Discuss the importance of electing leaders in our villages.

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