
They came to Uganda to spread the British Colonial rule. They got information from the earlier groups that came to Uganda. The information was about the structure of the country and opportunities that existed. They came after Africa had been divided among European powers. Therefore, they came to control their spheres of influence. 

Colonial masters inspecting parade at Entebbe
The administrators knew where to go and which areas to control. They used peaceful means and at times force to spread their systems of administration. 

Capt. F.D Lugard. He was sent to represent the IBEACo. in Uganda. He signed a protection treaty with Kabaka Mwanga. He signed an agreement of friendship with Omugabe Ntare of Ankole. 

  In Toro he restored Omukama Kasagama on his throne. He had been dethroned by Omukama Kabalega. Lugard used Sudanese Soldiers to keep peace and security in Buganda. Lugard also supported the protestants against the Roman Catholics during the struggle for power in Buganda. 

Sir Gerald Portal. 
He was sent to make a report on how best Uganda could be ruled after the IBEACo had run bankrupt. He built forts in Toro (Fort Portal) and at Entebbe (Fort Alice) 

He established his headquarters at Entebbe making it the first capital city of Uganda. He declared Uganda a British Protectorate in 1894.


 Positive contributions of foreign administrators. 

They introduced new means of communication and transport.
Many roads were constructed that connected different places. They introduced democratic practices of governance. 

People were taught how to choose their leaders. 

They encouraged the growing of cash crops such as cotton which was a source of income and raw materials. 

Negative effects of colonialists in Uganda. 

They promoted the system of divide and rule among Ugandans. This made some people to became resistors while other collaborators.

Many people died due to rebellions against colonialism. 

Separation of families with boundaries which were drawn by colonialists. For example, Today we have the Luo and Samia in Kenya and Uganda.

Africa's resources were over exploited. They took minerals and other resources at very low prices or no cost.

European traders. 

Positive contributions by European traders in Uganda.
They introduced currency to replace barter trade. This improved trade among different communities.

They introduced higher quality goods such as clothes, glass ware, shoes among others.

They provided market for raw materials produced in Uganda. 

People got income which improved on their standard of living. 

They built commercial centres which led to development of towns. These centres led to booming trade. 

Negative effects of the coming of traders. 

They over exploitated resources. Mineral resources were taken out of the country and people did not benefit a lot from them. Under paid the cash crops grown by the local people.

The prices were too low compared to the produce. They gave people low wages.

People who were employed in factories were given little money for the labour they provided.

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