Keywords and Exercise

Vegetation  : 
plant cover in an area.
Natural    :formed by nature.
Altitude    :height above sea level.
Habitat    :a place that provides environment conditions for organisms to live in.
Deforestation :Cutting trees on a large scale
Conservation : protecting our natural resources and using them wisely.
Savannah   :grassland with scattered trees and bushes
Distribution  :the condition of being divided or dispersed.

IDevice Icon Activity
Exercise 4
1 . What is the difference between planted and natural vegetation?
2. Name the forest in western Uganda which is a habitat for mountain gorillas.
3. State any two factors that influence vegetation growth in an area.
4. Give any three economic values of forests.
5. Why do people practice deforestation in your district?
6. Which ministry is responsible for forestry in Uganda?
7. Why is it advisable to plant trees and grass in the school compound?
8. Describe any two human activities that affect vegetation in an area?
9. Why should every person participate in the conservation of vegetation?
10. What is Agro - forestry?
11. Why is it a good practice to carry out agro - forestry?
12. Explain how people can use vegetation without destroying it.

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