Importance of natural resources.

Land as a natural resource is used by people in several ways to meet their needs. People need land to grow crops and rear animals. Build houses and factories. People build their homes and factories on land. All the railways and roads are constructed on land. They facilitate the movement of people, goods and services. The grass for animals grows on land.
Most animals would not survive without grass especially the herbivores. Grazing animals like cattle, goats and sheep is possible because grass grows on land. Most of the minerals are found on land or underground. Land is considered to be the most important natural resource because most activities are carried out on it.

1 .  In small groups discuss where the food you eat comes from. 
2.  In pairs suggest ways in which people use the land in your local area.

Water Sources. 
Water sources are important to people in the following ways.
  • They provide water for domestic use.
  • We cook food, wash clothes and clean our houses using water.
  • They provide water for irrigation.
  • Some areas experience long dry periods. Therefore, people water their crops in the garden.
  • Water sources provide fish. Fish is a major source of proteins. Fish lives in water.
  • They influence rainfall formation. Large water bodies such as lakes contribute to formation of rain.
  • They attract tourists who bring in foreign exchange. Many people from within and outside Uganda visit large water bodies for education purposes and leisure.
  • Water falls are used to generate hydro electricity. Some rivers such as the Nile have water falls on which dams have been built to generate power.

Water sources are used for leisure such as swimming, rafting and boat racing. They contain sand which is used for building. Water bodies such as lakes are sources of building materials such as sand. Water sources are used to facilitate transport. People move on water using boats, ferries and ships.


Uganda's climate is also a resource which people use to meet their needs. Rainfall helps farmers to grow crops for food and sale. It is difficult to grow crops when the climate is bad. Sun shine helps crops to make their food through the process known as photosynthesis. Heat from the sun helps in drying crops for storage for example maize, rice and millet. Solar energy can be obtained from the sun using solar panels. Many people today especially those in the villages and schools use solar power. The tropical climate is also a tourist attraction which brings in foreign income. During the winter season in Europe, many Europeans visit Uganda to enjoy the tropical climate where the sunshine is abundant.


Human beings become resources through providing ideas and skills in doing their day-to-day activities. Human beings are a resource in the following ways:-
They provide both skilled and unskilled labour. Skilled labourers are professionals engaged in services such as technology, teaching, law, medicine, engineering, pharmacy, agricultural extension services among others.
Non-skilled labourers provide labour in crop fields, mines, factories, homes, schools, hospitals among others. The nature of work they do does not require them to have the technical skills to perform. A professional is an expert in a specific field. Human beings grow crops which are a source of income. Food crops grown supports families and the surplus is sold.

Animals are important resources in many ways:- 
Animals are a source of income. People rear animals as a source of wealth. The income got is used to improve on their standards of living.

Animals grazing
Animals provide meat and milk. Animals are a source of food especially proteins. Many families rear animals on large and small scale. There are other products that animals provide which are sold to get money.Animals provide hides, skins and fur which are raw materials as well. Hooves of animals are used to make glue and buttons. Wild animals are tourist attractions which earn the country foreign income.

The plant cover in our surroundings has many uses;- It is a home for wild animals. It also earns the country foreign income through tourism. Vegetation is a source of wood fuel. Many people use wood to cook food and burn bricks. It is food for people and animals. Leaves and bark from trees are eaten as food. Vegetation is a source of herbs/medicine. Local medicine is used to cure different diseases.

Take a few minutes to look around your classroom. List any two items that you use every day. What resources do you think were used to make some of the things in your classroom.

Minerals are also an important resource in many ways:-
Mining creates employment opportunities. Some people work in mining centres. Mining contributes to the development of the infrastructure in places where minerals are found. Roads and railways are constructed to connect to mining centres. Foreign income is got from exporting the minerals to other countries. Once minerals are exported to outside countries, governments gets income. Some minerals such as

Stone quarrying 
limestone and phosphate are used as raw materials In the cement and fertilizer factories.
IDevice Icon Activity
1 .In small groups discuss any two economic values of these resources
 a) animals   b)       vegetation
2. Explain how water sources are used in your local area/district?

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