
The Bantu are said to have originated from Cameroon highlands. The Bantu moved to East Africa between 1400 - 1500 A.D. 

The Bantu live in the southern, central, Western and Eastern parts of the country. They speak languages which have a similar sound of "ntu" meaning a human being. 

They settled in lake regions known as the interlacustrine region.

Why did the Bantu settle near lake regions? 
Causes of Bantu migration. 

i) Search for fertile land to grow crops. The Bantu were basically cultivators. They needed land which would support growth of crops. 

ii) Search for areas with good climatic conditions. Farmers grow crops where
there was reliable rainfall. 

iii) Presence of internal misunderstandings which divided them. People used to
quarrel among themselves. Those who felt unhappy had to move to new areas. 

iv) There was an outbreak of diseases which attacked their animals and people.
Long ago, people associated outbreak of diseases to bad omen which forced them to migrate. 

v) Search for pasture for their domestic animals. The Bantu also reared animals so they wanted to settle in areas which had a lot of grass. 

vi) There was over population in the area where they lived. This required them to find more land elsewhere.

Results of Bantu migration 

The areas where they settled had some people already so when the Bantu arrived the population increased. There was displacement of people whom they found in areas where they settled. For example, the Bantu displaced the pygmies.

Migrations led to large areas of forests to be cleared for settlement. Since the population increased, there was need for more land for farming activities. New cultures were introduced. For example, Bantu languages in the areas where they settled.

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