Key words and Exercise on how Uganda Uganda became a Nation

Agreement : decision to do, make between two or more people 
Boundary : the border or edge of a place. 

Partitioning : to divide into parts. 

Nation : people of a particular country. 

Protectorate: territory that is protected by another country in order to protect their interests. 

Chiefdom: small Community of people living together. 

Direct rule : System of administration where the British led themselves.

Sectarian: disagreement among people of different religions. 

Exploit: to take Commercial advantage over something. 

Taxation: Money raised from taxes. 

Imprisonment: Keeping in prison. 

Rupee: Money used in India. 
Regent: a person who rules tales on behalf of a young king or queen. 

Indirect rule: system of administration where the traditional chiefs ruled on behalf of the colonialists. 

Colony: a territory ruled by another country.

1 . What is a nation? 

2. Give any three European countries that had colonies in Africa? 

3. Why did Kabalega oppose British rule? 

4. Name any three examples of agreements that were signed between local leaders and the British? 

5. Who signed the Buganda Agreement on behalf of Buganda Kingdom? 

6. Which official signed the Buganda agreement on behalf of the British government? 

7. Give two ways in which land was divided during the Buganda agreement. 

8. Give two examples of taxes that were introduced during British rule in Buganda and Toro. 

9. How did colonialists manage to spread British rule in different part of Uganda? 

10. Why did the British use indirect rule in some countries.

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