
Democracy is a system of government where representatives/ leaders of the people are elected freely. This is where all citizens have a chance to participate in their governance.
Democracy also means the government of the people by the people and for the people.

A form of government in which power is in the hands of the people and exercised through a system of representation usually involving free elections.

Importance of democracy. 

• Provides clear procedures in which collective decisions can be made. Since many people are involved in making decisions, governments run smoothly without many grievances. 

• Promotes good governance and the rule of law. Democracy creates proper channels of setting conflicts.
• Citizens are free to express themselves and their views can be listened to. People participate in all the affairs of government. 

• Gives chance to all citizens to participate in political affairs. Leaders are chosen according to their ability to serve the people. 

• Eliminates dictatorship since decisions are made by people. Decisions are passed following the majority so it reduces forceful governance. 

• It minimizes political instability within a country people are given the opportunity to make choice so conflicts are minimised.

Functions of democracy.
• Protects human rights of all the citizens. Rights of People are respected in a democratic society

• Promotes peaceful change of leadership. Leaers are chosen after a specified period of time.

• Promotes unity among the people. People work together for the good of this country. 

• Promotes equality among people. People are treated equally without discrimination, fear or favour.

Challenges of democracy. 
Some elected Members of Parliament/ leaders bribe voters to be put in power yet they may not be qualified for that position.

People elected sometimes promote their own interests.
They do not attend to people's problems and needs. Attention is given to the majority views while the minority are ignored.

People who have different opinions are usually not listened to.

Decisions take long to be reached because of the long debates that take place to decide what is to be done. It is costly in that the govern conduct elections.

Roles of citizens in practicing democracy.
In practising good governance based on democracy, citizens have the following roles. 

i) Electing leaders. People should participate fully in choosing their leaders. 

ii) Exercising their rights of voting if they are above 18 years.

iii) Forming political organisations (parties) as a channel to say out what they want and to get whom they want to represent them.

Types of elections.
There are different types of elections and these include the following;
  • Presidential elections, 
  • Parliamentary elections, 
  • by - elections and 
  • Local council elections.

Types of elections in Uganda 

(i) Presidential elections are held to elect a President. 

(ii) Parliamentary elections are held to elections are held to elect members of Parliament. 

(iii) Local Council elections are held to elect Local Coucil V, III and I chairpersons and Councillors. 

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