The 1900 Buganda Agreement.

This was the agreement that was signed between Buganda and the British government. The major aim of signing this agreement was to have good ties (relationship) with the Kingdom of Buganda. 

Representatives from Buganda and Britain signed the agreement. Harry Johnstone signed on behalf of the British government and Buganda was represented by the three regents namely Zakaria Kisingiri, Apollo Kaggwa and Stanislas Mugwanya. They signed on behalf of the young king, Daudi Chwa.

Terms of the Buganda Agreement. 

The major terms of the Agreement were based on three issues namely taxation, land and different systems of governance. Buganda Kingdom was to be declared one of the provinces of Uganda but not an independent state.

The Kabaka continued to rule his kingdom using local laws. The Kabaka of Buganda was to be given the title of " His Highness".

The Kabaka was to be assisted by three senior ministers including the Katikkiro (prime minister) the Chief Justice (omulamuzi) and the treasurer (Omuwanika).

Buganda had the Lukiiko which made laws that governed the kingdom.

The agreement divided up the land. This created Mailo and crown land. Mailo was mainly for the king and his chiefs while Crown was for the British Protectorate government.

The agreement also introduced taxes which were to be paid by the people. These were gun tax and hut tax. Many people were not happy with these taxes. The Kingdom was to be divided into 20 counties each one being governed by a county chief. 


1 . Have you ever made any kind of agreement, suggest any three situations that can lead to writing an agreement in your societies today. 

2. Discuss why the British wanted the Buganda agreement to be signed.

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