The people of pre-colonial Uganda

In primary four, you learnt about the people in our district. In primary five you will now learn about ethnic groups of people, their origin and settlement in Uganda. 

Movement of Ethnic Groups

An ethnic group is a group of people who share a common origin and speak a similar language. Before the coming of Europeans, people lived in communities with common cultures and traditions. They also carried out similar activities. The major ethnic groups of Uganda are;
  • Bantu, 
  • Luo, 
  • Nilo Hamites and 
  • Hamites.
Identifying different ethnic groups and tribes. 

The Bantu
The Bantu form the biggest ethnic group in Uganda. These include; Bakhonzo, Banyoro, Bamasaaba, Basoga, Baganda, Bakiga, Bagwere, Bamba, Basamia, Banyankole, Batoro and Batwa.

The Luo. 
Acholi, Alur, Jonam and Jopadhola. 

Nilo - Hamites. 
Karamojong, Iteso, Jie, Tepeth, Dodoth and Langi. 

Pokot, Sabiny and Bahima

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