Characteristics of Uganda as a nation

Uganda was under the British rule during the colonial period. This is the period when Uganda was ruled by Britain. Uganda stopped being under the administration of the British on 9th October 1962 and it therefore became an independent state. 

Dr. Apollo Milton Obote became the first prime Minister and Sir. Edward Muteesa II was appointed the first president of Uganda in 1963.

When Uganda became independent, it formed its own government and laws. Parliament as an organ of the government is responsible for making laws. 

Political independence for Uganda meant that power was now in the hands of Ugandans. Uganda also gained economic power so as to raise her own taxes. It was also free to relate with other countries, participate in International affairs and join International bodies as a member.

Characteristics of Uganda as a nation 
  • Citizens having a sense of belonging. Their identity is defined.
  • Having a National elected leader. Uganda has a President who is the head of state. 
  • Having clearly marked boundaries. The borders of Uganda are known and well defined in all directions .
  • Controls over all its territorial area. Uganda has full control of its land area. 
  • Uganda is independent and manages its own political, social and economic affairs. 

Independence that was granted by Britain to Uganda meant that:- 

Uganda got freedom and Britain stopped having any powers over all forms of governance. The responsibility of Ugandans was to politically govern themselves and the queen would no longer take charge of the affairs of the state.

Laws in Uganda were to be made and passed by Ugandans. Uganda has three functional organs of government of which parliament makes the laws.

Exploitation of natural resources is a responsibility of the government of Uganda. It manages all the resources in the country.

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