Human activities

People carry out different activities which influence vegetation distribution. These include, deforestation (cutting down trees), overgrazing, and draining swamps. As the population has been growing over time, the demand for forest products has also increased. People destroy vegetation because they need timber, wood fuel, more land for settlement, agriculture and industrial development.
Identify any two human activities that affect vegetation in your local area?

Different ways vegetation influences human activities

The type of vegetation that occurs in an area determines human settlement. Therefore, human activities vary from one place to another.

The tropical rainforests occur in tropical areas of heavy rainfall. They have abundant species of wildlife and vegetation. Forests are dense and provide hard wood timber used for making furniture and building houses.

Rain forests act as habitat for wild animals for example Mgahinga and Bwindi 
Impenetrable national parks which attract tourists. Forests create employment for people who work as forest rangers while others have set up sawmills to process         
wood. In many districts such as Kaliro, Kamuli, Mukono and Masindi, people deal 
in wood harvesting and saw milling.

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