The Uganda National Flag

Before Uganda got her independence, it was using the British flag as the national flag. 

Immediately after getting independence when the Union Jack was lowered, the Uganda flag was raised. (hoisted) 
The hoisting of the Uganda flag was done by Major Akorimo Kanuti on the 9th October 1962.

The National flag was designed by Grace Ibingira. 

The National flag has three colours, black, yellow, red with a white oval background in the middle background bears a crested crane s a of these colours represent something as

Black represents the colour of Uganda inheritance /black people of Uganda.

Red represents brotherhood meaning red blood. Therefore, we should live in Yellow stands for abundant sun shine in Uganda.

The Crested Crane is at the centre of the national flag. This bird stands for Uganda's National Emblem with the three colours of the flag. This bird was chosen as a national emblem It is a gentle, humble and beautiful bird.

The Uganda flag is always raised early in the morning at public or National buildings, offices and schools, Parliament and district headquarters.

It is flown with the crested crane facing the flag pole. The flag is also flown on the presidential official car. There are occasions when the flag is flown at half mast. This means that it is a day of national mourning . 

1 . How many flags are flown at your school?
2. Name the flags flown during a school day?
3. Why do you think the Uganda flag is flown at your school?
4. Identify other places where the flag is flown.

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