
An Explorer is a person who discovers unknown land. European explorers came to Uganda and explored different parts of the country.
There were sponsored by organisations such as the Royal Geographical Society. Explorers came mainly to find the source of River Nile.
They were also interested in finding new information about the physical features, and climate of Uganda.
Explorers who came to Uganda included, John Speke, James, Grant, Richard Burton and Samuel Baker.

John Speke and Richard Burton.
They were sent by the Royal Geographical society (RGS) which sent most explorers to East Africa. They wanted to find the source of R. Nile in 1856. They set off from the East African coast at Zanzibar and travelled through Tanganyika (Tanzania).

They were the first Europeans to see Lake Tanganyika. Burton not feeling well, remained at Tabora. 

John Speke continued northwards and saw Lake Nalubaale and named it lake Victoria after the Queen of England. John Speke

John Speke and James Grant.
They were also sent by the Royal Geographical society to prove if R. Nile had its source in L. Victoria. They were accompanied from the East African Coast by two gunmen called Mwinyi and Sidi Bombay.

They passed through Tanganyika and reached Karagwe where King Rumanika welcomed them. Grant fell sick and remained at Karagwe while Speke continued to Buganda Kingdom.

He met Kabaka Mutesa 1 as the King and Speke became the first European to enter Buganda. On 28th July, 1862, John Speke reached the source of R. Nile and named it Ripon falls after Lord Ripon, the president of the Royal Geographical society. Grant later joined Speke and the two men followed the course of the Nile.

They met the Bakers at Gondokoro and told them about the great lake lying to the west. Speke and Grant followed the Nile up to the Mediterranean sea and went back to England.

Sir Samuel Baker. 
He was also sent to find the source of R. Nile by Royal Geographical Society. He followed R. Nile from its mouth with his wife Janet Baker. 

In 1864, Samuel Baker entered Bunyoro Kingdom where he met Omukama Kamurasi.
On 14th March 1864, the Bakers saw Lake Mwitanzigye naming it Lake Albert after the husband of Queen Victoria. The Bakers were the first Europeans to see Murchison falls. The queen gave Baker the title of Sir, because of his great expedition.

Effects of Explorers. 
The coming of explorers had the following effects on Uganda:- 
Reports of the explorers encouraged traders and administrators to come to Uganda.
They brought new goods in form of special gifts.
These gifts were mainly given to the rulers.
Explorers also made Uganda to be known to the outside world. Uganda attracted many foreigners having been named the Pearl of Africa by Winston Churchill. John Speke's exploration of the source of the R. Nile made it to be known world wide.
Henry Morton Stanley, though he was an explorer, he wrote a letter Inviting missionaries to come to Uganda. The spread of Christian became successful.

IDevice Icon Activity
1. Write a short paragraph about the topic "It was necessary for the explorers to come to Uganda". Do you agree or disagree with that statement. 
2. Imagine that you were around when Speke came to Uganda. Write down five questions you would have asked him in your conversation with him.

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