Keywords and exercises

Key words
Depression : a relatively sunken area, enclosed by a higher land without an outlet.
Warping : a natural process whereby land is twisted out of shape.
Volcano : an opening in the earth's surface out of which hot gases, ash and lava may pour.
Rift valley : a long, narrow land let down between two parallel fault lines.
Temperature : degree of hotness or coldness. this is when rock layers -are squeezed from opposite sides and the lovers fold.
Tourist : someone who travels to a place for pleasure.
Boundary : a line of demarcation (natural or artificial)
Sensitise : teach people about something.
IDevice Icon Activity
Exercise 2
1. Write true or false
a) Mount Elgon is a fold mountain
b) Faulting leads to formation of volcanic mountains.
4. What are physical features?
5. State any two physical features found in your district.
6. How was Rwenzori Mountain formed?
7. What is faulting?
8. Why do most people settle along the slopes of mountains?
9. State any two advantages of living near highland areas?
10. Give any two problems faced by people who live near highland areas?
11. How can problems faced by the people mentioned above in (No.8) be solved?
12. How is R. Nile important to the people of Egypt?

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