How Uganda became a Nation

A nation is a group of people living together in a particular country having the same political leaders and common policies and goals. 
A nation can also be defined as a group of people who share culture, ethnic origin and language. 
Uganda as a nation has national symbols such as, National Anthem, Coat of Arms, National flag, and National emblem that unite all its people.
Another important aspect of Uganda that describes it as a modern nation is a shared history like the struggle for Independence which united all the people to achieve it.
Other aspects of a modern nation include the following;- a government that has a set of laws made by parliament and accepted by everybody, a head of state elected by all citizens above the age of 18 years and National currency used by all citizens in the country. 
Boundaries: These are fixed borders showing an area covered between one country and another. 
Agreement: An arrangement, decision made between people or countries so as to fulfill certain things agreed upon.

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