Keywords and exercise

Climate : average weather condition of a place
recorded for a long period.
Physical feature : a feature such as a land form, body of
water that has been formed by nature.
Convectional : the process of heat transfer from place
to place within a fluid.
Vector : is an organism which carries disease
causing germs from one animal to
Vaccinate : treat an animal or person with a vaccine
to protect them against disease.
idevice icon Activity
Exercise 3
1.  Explain the term climate? 
2.       Describe Tropical climate. 
3.       What type of rainfall is experienced around forested areas? 
4.       Why do highland areas receive plenty of rainfall? 
5.       What is a Lee ward side? 
6.       Why do most people in Uganda practice subsistence farming? 
7.       Suggest one problem faced by dairy farmers in Uganda. 
8.       How is weaving different from spinning? 
9.       What is the main crop grown on Tilda Irrigation scheme? 
10.     State anyone problem faced by crop farmers. 
11.     How can people overcome sleeping sickness in their local areas?

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