Toro, Bunyoro and Ankole Agreements

The Toro Agreement. 

The Toro Agreement was signed between the Kingdom of Toro and the British government as a way of ensuring protection from any form of further invasion by King Kabalega of Bunyoro.

Terms of the Toro Agreement.
Toro was promised total independence from Bunyoro and gun taxes were to be introduced as a way of raising revenue. Part of Toro land was to be given to the colonial government and the rest was to remain for the Omukama.

Omukama of Toro was installed and was to govern the kingdom based on the wishes of the British.

Ankole Agreement. 
The Ankole Agreement was signed between the heir the late Omugabe Ntare of Ankole Kahaya and the British government.

Britain was represented by Fredrick Jackson. The people of Ankole had earlier opposed colonialism and this was done in different ways.

For example, they murdered a British commissioner. Small chiefdoms such as Buhweju, Igoro, Bunyaruguru and Kafara were also added to the Kingdom of Ankole in 1898.

Effects of Ankole Agreement.
The British government accepted to re-organise the instalation of Omugabe Kahaya as a ruler of that kingdom. The British also willingly accepted to help him negotiate with other people who were also claiming the throne.

Ankole Kingdom gained the territories of Buhweju, Igara, Bunyaruguru and Kajara that had been part of Bunyoro and thereafter fixed the boundaries of Ankole Kingdom. Hut and gun taxes were introduced as a way of raising revenue to meet the administrative costs.

The Bunyoro Agreement.
Colville used force to make Bunyoro part of the British Protectorate in 1896. Bunyoro Agreement was signed between the Kingdom of Bunyoro and the British government and the terms of the Agreement were as follows:- 

Bunyoro lost much of its land to Buganda Kingdom, for example Buyaga and Bugangayizi counties. Buganda which helped the British to defeat Bunyoro was awarded many acres of land which were part of the counties mentioned.

1 . Hold a discussion. How did the Buganda agreement affect the people of Uganda? 

2. Suggest any two ways in which these groups of people benefited from the agreements 
(a) British (b) Local people

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