Climate, People and swamps

Ways of caring for the climate.
People should practice afforestation and re-afforestation to control drought. You should remember that forests modify the climate of an area. Swamps should be conserved to maintain the water cycle since they influence local temperatures of an area. People should be encouraged to practice modern methods of farming which have less effects on the climate.
Ways of caring for the human resource:-
Government should create economic stability which can allow people to access all basic needs such as education, health services and shelter easily. Educate people about good nutrition and balanced diet. People should know how to feed well so as to avoid malnourishment especially among young children. Enforce recognised labour laws while employing people. This would help them to enjoy good working conditions. Employees should be protected while at work to avoid employment hazards which harm their lives. People should be sensitised about their rights so that mistreatment is reduced.
Ways of caring for animals.
Encourage cross breeding as a way of improving on the quality of local breeds of cattle in order to get higher milk and meat production. Enforce laws against poaching. Poachers should be punished as a measure to protect wild animals in their natural habitats. Creating more game parks and reserves, especially in unproductive mountainous areas. Sensitise people about good livestock management methods such as rotational grazing, zero grazing, dairy farming and ranching schemes.
Ways of caring for crops:-
Applying manure to gardens to improve on soil fertility which can support high production. People should be advised to plant improved seed varieties which mature quickly and provide high yields. Sensitizing people about use of modern scientific methods of farming such as using tractors and harvesters.
Ways of caring for swamps
i) Enforce laws that protect wetlands. Report any swamp misuse to NEMA or to 
the District Environment Officer.
ii) Introduce policies that force industrialists to treat their wastes. Those who may not comply should face tough penalties.
iii) Sensitize people about proper way of harvesting vegetation in swamps. 
Discourage over harvesting of any product.
iv) Eviction of all people that encroach on swamps. Reclaim the swamp and let the swamps return to their original ecological state.
v) Carry out swamp conservation as a measure to protect them.

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