The Luo (River - Lake Nilotes)
The Luo speakers migrated from Bahr-el Ghazel in Southern Sudan around 1400A.D. They followed River Nile downwards into Uganda and settled at Pubungu (present Pakwach) in West Nile. Tribes of Luo speakers include Acoli, Alur, Japadhola and Jaluo of Kenya. 

Reasons for the migration of the Luo.

The Luo were mainly cattle keepers and fishermen. They reared animals such as goats, cattle and sheep. They used to move from one place to another due to the following reasons. Search for water and pasture for their domestic animals. 

The unreliable climatic conditions especially dry seasons forced them to migrate. Presence of cattle diseases which attacked their animals. The unhealth environment at Bahr-el-Ghazel led to outbreak of animal diseases. They wanted new land where they could graze their animals. They had internal and external conflicts with neighbouring tribes like the Galla of Ethiopia. 

Over population in some areas, so there was need for more land for settlement. The areas where they lived could not support all of them with their animals. 

Drought which led to outbreak of famine. There were also several external attacks from the neigbours such as the Galla from Ethiopia.

Results of the Luo Migration.

i) There was population increase in the new areas where they settled. The number of people increased because the areas where they settled had other tribes. 
ii) They introduced new Luo languages. 
iii) They introduced new cultures of the Luo traditions. For example the pet names (Araali, Atwooki, Adyeri, Amooti, Akiiki, Atenyi and Apuuli. These are common in Toro and Bunyoro) 
iv) They caused the down fall of Chwezi empire, when they invaded it. 
v) They formed the Babiito dynasty in Western Uganda after their attack on the Chwezi kingdom. 

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