Rift valley

People who live near the rift valley areas benefit from that feature in the following ways; Presence of lakes which provide fishing grounds. There is a lot of fishing in lakes like Edward and Albert in Western Uganda. Valleys have fertile soils that support the growing of different crops such as yams, vegetables, rice and sugar canes. Other crops grown in the valley areas are bananas, millet and maize. They are also sources of clay and sand used in building houses and pottery. Valleys attract tourists who bring in foreign income.

idevice icon Activity

In small groups, discuss why tourists visit different parts of Uganda.
Problems associated with different types of physical features 
Physical features in Uganda have many values as we have already learnt. However, there are also some problems which are caused by the presence of physical features.

Mountains and highlands 
Mud slides and land slides: The soft land/ soils that roll down cover people's crops and animals. These are common in highland areas for example mud slides claimed lives of more than 90 people in Bududa district in Eastern Uganda in 2010. Buildings and property were destroyed.

It is very expensive to construct good roads in such areas. 
Presence of soil erosion on the slopes of mountains. Whenever it rains, top soil is washed away and crops are also destroyed.

Volcanic eruptions cause loss of human and animal life, destroy property and buildings. Construction of roads is difficult in mountainous areas.

Plateau areas sometimes flood during the heavy rainy seasons' which destroy crops. Presence of disease vectors .such as mosquitoes and tsetse flies are common in these areas.

Rivers and lakes 
Some rivers and lakes flood during heavy rainy seasons. Buildings and property are damaged, crops and animals are drowned; 
Bridges and roads are washed away. Lakes 'arid rivers are breeding places of diseose vectors such as mosquitoes. Mosquitoes spread malaria to human beings. Construction of bridges across rivers is expensive. This makes transport difficult in areas where rivers are found.

idevice icon Activity
1. Discuss how mud slides 'affect development of an area.
Rift valley 
The construction of roads is difficult. Valleys hinder development of good transport net work because of the _steep sides of the valley. They induce land slides which cause loss of life and damage property. Presence of disease 'vectors such as mosquitoes which spread diseases.

Possible solutions to problems caused by physical features Mountains and highlands 
The government should sensitize or educate communities which live near highlands about the dangers of settling in such areas. The government should resettle people who are near highland areas so as to avoid the dangers of landslides. People should be discouraged from growing crops on steep slopes. People should be encouraged to plant trees and grass on the lower slopes as a way of reducing soil erosion.

Lakes and rivers 

People should be sensitized about the danger? of building houses near the lake shores and river banks. Government should construct bridges across rivers and. lakes to ease transport for people who live near them. Government should teach people to use good methods of fishing.

Rift valley 
The construction of roads is difficult. Valleys hinder development of good transport net work because of the _steep sides of the valley. They induce land slides which cause loss of life and damage property. Presence of disease 'vectors such as mosquitoes which spread diseases.

Possible solutions to problems caused by physical featuresMountains and highlands 
The government should sensitize or educate communities which live near highlands about the dangers of settling in such areas. The government should resettle people who are near highland areas so as to avoid the dangers of landslides. People should be discouraged from growing crops on steep slopes. People should be encouraged to plant trees and grass on the lower slopes as a way of reducing soil erosion.

Lakes and rivers 
People should be sensitized about the danger? of building houses near the lake shores and river banks. Government should construct bridges across rivers and. lakes to ease transport for people who live near them. Government should teach people to use good methods of fishing.

Possible solutions to problems caused by physical features 
Mountains and highlands 
The government should sensitize or educate communities which live near highlands about the dangers of settling in such areas. The government should resettle people who are near highland areas so as to avoid the dangers of landslides. People should 
be discouraged from growing crops on steep slopes. People should be encouraged to plant trees and grass on the lower 
slopes as a way of reducing soil erosion.

Lakes and rivers 
People should be sensitized about the danger? of building houses near the lake shores and river banks. Government should construct bridges across rivers and. lakes to ease transport for people who live near them. Government should teach people to use good methods of fishing.


idevice icon Activity
1.   Visit some physical features in your local area and describe the problems they have caused to the people who live near them.
2.  Suggest some problems experienced by the people who live near rift valley and mountain' areas .
3.   In pairs, make a poster describing the dangers of living 
near mountains.

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