The role of government

The term government means the group of people ruling a Country. A government is set up to organize people to work together and live in peace. Government in Uganda is divided into two parts; the central government and the local government. The central government oversees the administration of the entire country. Local government provides public services in district up to the village levels. In Uganda power and authority has been transferred from the central government to the district levels. This is known as decentralisation.
The role of government 
Central Government 
The central government is the main centre of administration. It carries the following roles:-
uphold and defend the constitution of Uganda. It ensures that the national constitution which is the supreme law is respected.
Maintaining law and order through police and prison services.
Defending the citizens with their property using the Uganda Peoples Defence Forces (UPDF) and other security organisations.
Building and maintaining major roads, bridges and hospitals.
Funding primary, secondary and higher institutions such as Kyambogo University, Makerere University Business School (MUBS), Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) and Makerere University (MUK).
Protecting the rights of the people. To ensure that human rights are not violated. Building and maintaining water and electricity services.
Protecting the environment and other natural resources in the country.
Plans and encourages economic development. Paying salaries and wages of civil servants and other workers of government.
Local Government 
Under the decentralization system, every district administration has the following roles;- 
i) To build and maintain health centres and dispensaries. 
ii) To build and maintain feeder roads. 
iii) To build and maintain primary schools. 
iv) To maintain markets in different parts of the district. 
v) To teach people about prevention of diseases so that they live a better life. 
vi) Collecting of refuse and rubbish for proper sanitation. 
vii) Ensuring that people in villages have latrines for proper sanitation and kitchens among others. 
IDevice Icon Activity
1 . Identify any three services provided by government. 
2. Explain the term decentralization. 
3. Identify any three problems faced by government when providing social services.

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