Problems and advantages of a high population

i) Shortage of land for both settlement and farming activities that leads to division of land into small plots (fragmentation) and land disputes. 
ii) Competition for social services such as health centres and schools. Services may not be adequate for a high population. 
iii) High government expenditure on the services it provides to the population. 
iv) Overcrowding, especially in urban areas resulting into easy spread of diseases due to poor sanitation. 
v) Competition for jobs increases as more people look for employment. Unemployment at times results into increased crime rates. 
vi) Encourages rural-urban migration. Many migrate from villages in search for opportunities such as employment in urban areas. 
vii) Shortage of housing in urban areas which leads to the development of slums. 
viii) Shortage of food that results into famine and starvation of the population.
Advantages of a high population 
i) Easy provision of labour. There is a large labour force in the industrial and agricultural sector. 
ii) The high population pays a large amount of taxes which helps government to raise high revenue to run the country. 
iii) Provides a large market for goods produced. Most of the goods produced are consumed which boosts trade in the country.
Problems of low population A small population of a country has disadvantages; 
i) The population may be unable to use the resources available because the people are very few to exploit most of them. 
ii) There is shortage of labour required in the production of agricultural produce, industrial goods and services. 
iii) Low market as the population can not use all the goods produced in the country. 
iv) Low income is raised by the government through taxes. A small population can not contribute alot of money compared to a high population.
Solutions to a high population growth It is important for a country to control population growth because the resources available may be over used which is dangerous for the future generation. 
• Birth control. For example through family planning programmes such as usage of pills and condoms. 
• Encourage migration of people from densely populated areas / regions to areas with low population. 
• Setting up settlement areas where people can be transferred from densely populated areas. 
• Educating the people to change from their traditional attitude of having many children whom they cannot look after properly. 
• Expansion of towns and cities through the construction of storeyed buildings.
• This would reduce congestion and development of slums. 
• Increasing the production of food by modernising agriculture to cater for the large numbers. 
• The government should continue sensitising the people over Radios and televisions. Advising them to have children they can manage to take care of and the dangers of having many children. 
• Discouraging early marriages. Government should increase access to universal secondary education. 
• Giving tax benefits and rewards to small families who have a manageable number of children.

IDevice Icon Activity
1 . Write down four reasons why some people need large families. 
2. Discuss ways in which government can control population growth. 
3. Find out from your parents or people in the community why their local areas have either a low/high population density.

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