Population growth in Uganda

Population growth refers to the increase in the number of people in an area or country. The population increases because more babies are born every year and yet few people die. Whenever the birth rate is high, the number of people also increases gradually.
The factors that influence population growth
Improved health services. This has decreased the rate at which children and adults die. This leads to low death rates and leads to population increase over time.
Availability of food. Once a lot of food is available, the number of people will grow because they do not starve neither die of hunger.
Presence of better social services like health and clean piped water often allow many people to survive because diseases are minimised. 
Ignorance about family planning services also tend to lead to population increase. Population growth is not controlled. Peace and stability in a country or an area can also lead to population increase. People will not be killed as a result of wars.
High fertility rates among women also greatly increases population. One woman can be capable of producing between 6 and 8 in her life time.
Early marriages among young girls. This gives them chances of producing many children at an early age. Immigration: This is the movement of people from near and distant places to settle in other areas, this adds on the number of people in those areas.

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