The organs of Government

The government of Uganda has three major organs. These are the Executive, legislature and the Judiciary. Each of the above organs has its special roles it plays for the development of the country. 

This is the ruling organ of any democratic country. In Uganda the executive is made up of the President, the cabinet and Civil servants. The cabinet consists of the President and Ministers.

The head of the executive branch is the president. Voters elect a president after every five years. The main responsibilities of the executive include; 
(i) To run the day- to-day affairs of the country. 
(ii) Defence of the borders of the country through the army. 
(iii) Maintenance of law and order through the police. 
(v) Collection of revenue through Uganda Revenue A on.

Duties of the President of Uganda 

i) The president directs the workers who run the government. 
ii) The president is the commander in chief of the Armed Forces. 
iii) He/she appoints Ministers, judges, Ambassadors, High Commissioners and Commissioners of various commissions abroad. 
iv) He/she looks for investors to come to Uganda and open up investments in the country in order to increase on job opportunities. 
v) He/she pardons convicted Prisoners. 
vi) He/she represents the country in International meetings of Heads of State. 
vii) He/she signs the laws once passed by Parliament. After signing, the laws are implemented. 
(viii) He/she presides over Cabinet meetings.

The ministers are political heads of the ministries. Within different ministries, there are ministers of state who assist the political heads to perform different duties.
The permanent Secretaries are the technical heads of the ministries and account for all the funds spent in the ministry.
The Permanent Secretary heads all the civil servants in a ministry. The executive ensures that the laws made by parliament and the policies designed to develop the country are carried out.
Civil servant is a person who works in government department. Civil servants, who serve in the public services oversee the activities.
These include teachers, medical workers, security forces like police, Army and prison officers and other professionals who have a right get pension from government when they retire.


This is also called the National Assembly or Parliament. Members of parliament are elected by the people.
The major role of the legislature is to make laws. The Speaker of parliament is the head of the legislature and chairs parliamentary debates.
One qualifies to be a member of parliament if he/she has an Advanced level certificate or its equivalent. 
A member of Parliament may represent constitueny. A constituency is an electoral area represented in Parliament.
Other Members of Parliament represent interest groups such as the Army, Youth, Disabled, Women and Workers. These are elected through electoral colleges.
An electoral college is a group of voters that vote on behalf of all the other voters.
Some people also become members of parliament after being made ministers.
These people are called ex-officios. They contribute to debates in parliament but do not have a right to vote. Parliament debates and passes laws.
Before a law is passed it is called a bill. Bills are proposed laws in parliament and once passed they are sent to the president for approval. 
Other roles of parliament include:- 
i) Passing the national budget once prepared by the Finance minister. They debate and see if it caters for all sectors in the country. 
ii) Controlling government expenditure. They check on the way government spends revenue. 
iii) Discussing any important issues concerning development of the country. 
iv) Approving persons appointed in public offices such as Ministers, ambassadors and inspector General of Police among others. 
v) Amending the constitution when there is cause.

Important officials in parliament 
Speaker - chairs parliamentary debates. The Speaker of Parliament is Rebecca Kadaga. 

Deputy speaker - Chairs parliamentary meetings In the absence of the speaker. 
The deputy Speaker is Jacob Olanyah 

Sergeant at Arms - Maintains security in the House and guards the mace. 

Clerk to National Assembly - Records all the proceedings in parliament. 

Mace : This is a golden rod carried by the Sergent at Arms as the Speaker enters the House. It represents the Authority of parliament

Hansard : It is a record of proceedings of parliament as captured by the staff of the clerk.

The main duty of the Judiciary is to ensure that laws are carried decides how people who break laws should be punished.
The Judiciary advises the government on the laws that have been made by parliament. The Judiciary is headed by a Chief justice and a Deputy Chief Justice.
The Principal Judge is in charge of deploying judges to the various high courts in the country. In Uganda, we have Magistrates, Courts, High Courts, Constitutional Court, court of Appeal and the Supreme Court.
All courts take independent decisions on cases basing on the laws in the national constitution. The highest court in the country is the supreme court.
The supreme court makes sure that the constitution is followed and respected.
IDevice Icon Activity
1 . In small groups discuss what cabinet is and what its functions are? 
2. Describe the functions of the three branches of government. 
3. Work in groups and discuss duties of a president of Uganda.

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