Glossary and key word on population

Keywords and end of topic exercises
Urbanisation : growth of towns and cities 
Birth rate : number of babies born
Death rate : number of people who die. 
Enumerator : someone who counts people during a census.
Fertility rate : number of babies born to each woman in her life time.
Age structure : number of people of each age group.
Life expectancy: number of years a person is expected to live.
Infant mortality rate: number of children who die below 5 years. 
Teenager : people aged between 13 - 19.
1. Read and spell the key words given below
(a) fertility rate
(b) urbanisation
(c) Teenager 
2. Construct simple sentences using the words given below
(a) Life expectancy
(b) death rate
(c ) Family planning.
Exercise 12 1 . What is population?
2. Give any two causes of population growth.
3. What is a census night?
4. What is population density?
5. Why are some areas densely populated while others are sparsely populated?
6. How can the government discourage families from having many children?
7. What is the difference between densely and sparsely populated.
8. Which Ministry is responsible for carrying out Census?
9. Why is Census car


Bill: a proposed law. 
Budget: a plan for spending and saving money 
Cardinal directions: the four main directions north, south, west, East and west.
Colony : a settlement started by people who leave their country to live in another land. 
Conservation : the protecting of natural resources and using them wisely. 
Constitution : set of laws that govern a country. 
Crater : hole at the top of a volcano.
Democracy : a system of government by freely elected representatives of the people
Drainage : artificial large -scale removal of water from a wetland/swamp by whatever means. 
Election : an instrument through which leaders are chosen.
Ethnic group : a group of people with same origin speaking related languages
Government : a group of people who govern a country
Immigrant : a person who comes to live in a country from some other place. 
Independence : freedom from control by others. 
Monument : a building/stone/ statue erected In memory of someone who is dead or someing else. 
Natural resource : something found in nature that people can use. 
Population density : the number of people living in an area per square kilometre. 
Poverty : being very poor
Recycle : to use again. 
Refinery : a factory that turns crude oil into useful products such as petrol. 
Unemployment : being without a job.

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